quicktime ogv_Windows的QuickTime已死,应卸载以确保安全
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QuickTime for Windows has dangerous security vulnerabilities that let attackers take over your computer, but Apple won’t be updating it to fix them. It’s time to uninstall it.

Windows的QuickTime具有危险的安全漏洞,攻击者可以利用它来控制您的计算机,但Apple不会对其进行更新以修复它们。 现在该卸载它了。

Annoyingly, Apple only announced this in a statement to . Apple hasn’t announced it on its own website, and doesn’t seem to be making a real effort to warn people about this outdated program. They’re even still offering it for download on their website with no warning!

恼人的是,苹果公司仅在向的声明中宣布了这一点。 苹果公司尚未在自己的网站上宣布它,并且似乎并未做出真正的努力来警告人们有关该过时的程序。 他们甚至仍在毫无警告地将其提供在其网站上下载!

If you’re using a Mac, don’t worry. Apple’s QuickTime for Mac is still supported with security updates. Only the Windows version is dead and rotting.

如果您使用的是Mac,请不要担心。 安全更新仍支持Apple的Mac版QuickTime。 只有Windows版本已失效。

为什么(和如何)卸载Windows的QuickTime (Why (and How) You Should Uninstall QuickTime For Windows)

QuickTime for Windows is vulnerable to two security attacks that would allow an attacker to run code on your computer if you visited a web page or played a downloaded file. It’s particularly exploitable thanks to its browser plug-in. If you’re using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, which still support the plug-in, you can be compromised just by visiting a web page. Google Chrome no longer does supports these old plug-ins, but Chrome users shouldn’t get too complacent. Even downloaded video files could exploit the desktop version of Apple’s QuickTime.

Windows的QuickTime容易受到两种安全攻击的攻击,如果您访问网页或播放下载的文件,攻击者将允许攻击者在计算机上运行代码。 由于其浏览器插件,该漏洞尤其容易被利用。 如果使用仍支持该插件的Internet Explorer或Mozilla Firefox,则仅通过访问网页即可受到损害。 Google Chrome浏览器不再支持这些旧的插件,但是Chrome用户不应过于自满。 甚至下载的视频文件也可以利用Apple QuickTime的桌面版本。

Unfortunately, Apple is no longer updating QuickTime for Windows, so these flaws–and any future ones–will never be fixed. QuickTime for Windows will just become less and less secure over time, like .

不幸的是,Apple不再为Windows更新QuickTime,因此这些缺陷以及将来的任何缺陷将永远不会得到修复。 Windows的QuickTime随时间的推移将变得越来越安全,就像 。

This is . Apple simply stopped updating its Windows application without properly informing its users. Although Apple hasn’t asked directly asked you to stop using QuickTime for Windows, you definitely should. Even the US government is advising this.

这 。 苹果公司只是在没有正确通知用户的情况下停止更新Windows应用程序。 尽管Apple并没有直接要求您停止使用Windows的QuickTime,但您绝对应该这样做。 甚至美国政府也建议这样做。

To uninstall QuickTime, open the Control Panel, click “Uninstall a program” under Programs, select “QuickTime” in the list, and click “Uninstall.” The QuickTime uninstaller will remove both the QuickTime desktop application and the QuickTime browser plug-in. If you don’t see QuickTime in the list here, you don’t have QuickTime installed. Problem solved!

要卸载QuickTime,请打开“控制面板”,在“程序”下单击“卸载程序”,在列表中选择“ QuickTime”,然后单击“卸载”。 QuickTime卸载程序将同时删除QuickTime桌面应用程序和QuickTime浏览器插件。 如果您在此处的列表中没有看到QuickTime,则说明您没有安装QuickTime。 问题解决了!

如何在Windows上播放QuickTime视频 (How to Play QuickTime Videos on Windows)

But what if you still have some old QuickTime files you need to play? No problem, it’s actually easy to play QuickTime movies on Windows without QuickTime. There’s no real loss here.

但是,如果仍然有一些旧的QuickTime文件需要播放怎么办? 没问题,在没有 QuickTime的情况下在Windows上播放QuickTime电影实际上很容易。 这里没有真正的损失。

“QuickTime videos” are .mov and .qt files. However, these are simply “containers” that contain video and audio tracks encoded with other codecs. QuickTime has supported a wide variety of codecs over its history, and more modern .mov files are likely just H.264 MPEG-4 (MP4) files with a different container wrapped around them. These .mov files are becoming less common in favor of .mp4 files, which are more cross-platform.

“ QuickTime视频”是.mov和.qt文件。 但是,这些只是包含以其他编解码器编码的视频和音频轨道的“容器”。 QuickTime在其历史上一直支持多种编解码器,而更现代的.mov文件可能只是H.264 MPEG-4(MP4)文件,并带有不同的包装容器。 这些.mov文件变得越来越不受欢迎,而更倾向于跨平台的.mp4文件。

VLC will play .mov files just fine. It’s a media player swiss army knife that will play practically anything you throw at it, and we’ve always had success when using VLC to play QuickTime .mov movies. So, just  to play QuickTime videos and practically any other type of media file.

VLC可以播放.mov文件。 它是瑞士军刀的媒体播放器,几乎可以播放您扔给它的任何东西,并且在使用VLC播放QuickTime .mov电影时我们一直很成功。 因此,只需即可播放QuickTime视频以及几乎任何其他类型的媒体文件。

如何在网络上播放QuickTime内容 (How to Play QuickTime Content on the Web)

The vast majority of websites have now dropped Apple’s QuickTime plug-in, just as they’ve dropped MIcrosoft’s Windows Media Player plug-in and the RealPlayer plug-in. You should encounter QuickTime content on the web only rarely, and only on old sites that need to be updated. Most modern websites use either or Adobe Flash, with a few holdouts perhaps stuck on Microsoft’s Silverlight.

现在,绝大多数网站都放弃了Apple的QuickTime插件,就像他们放弃了MIcrosoft的Windows Media Player插件和RealPlayer插件一样。 您应该很少在网络上遇到QuickTime内容,并且应该只在需要更新的旧站点上遇到。 大多数现代网站都使用或Adobe Flash,其中一些保留项可能停留在Microsoft的Silverlight上。

 once required QuickTime, but it no longer does. Videos will just play using your browser’s integrated HTML5 video support.

曾经需要QuickTime,但现在不再需要。 仅使用浏览器的集成HTML5视频支持播放视频。

For ancient web pages that require QuickTime, you still have one alternative. VLC offers a browser plug-in, which you can choose to install. However, this is an old plug-in and isn’t supported by modern web browsers like Google Chrome. Firefox still includes support for NPAPI plug-ins like this, but will be removing it at the end of 2016. Internet Explorer , but Microsoft Edge doesn’t.

对于需要QuickTime的古老网页,您仍然可以选择一种方法。 VLC提供了浏览器插件,您可以选择安装。 但是,这是一个旧插件,现代浏览器(例如Google Chrome)不支持该插件。 Firefox仍然像这样支持NPAPI插件,但将在2016年底将其删除。InternetExplorer ,但Microsoft Edge则不支持。

Install VLC and ensure you select the “ActiveX plugin” (for Internet Explorer) and/or “Mozilla plugin” (for Mozilla Firefox) options at install time. If you’ve already installed VLC, you can re-run the installer and ensure you select this option.

安装VLC并确保在安装时选择“ ActiveX插件”(对于Internet Explorer)和/或“ Mozilla插件”(对于Mozilla Firefox)选项。 如果已经安装了VLC,则可以重新运行安装程序并确保选择此选项。

You can then open Internet Explorer or Firefox and videos should (hopefully) play with the VLC plug-in, which impersonates QuickTime. This won’t always work, as the VLC plug-in isn’t perfect. You’re better off downloading the video file and watching if in the VLC desktop application, if that’s an option.

然后,您可以打开Internet Explorer或Firefox,并且视频(应该)应该与模拟QuickTime的VLC插件一起播放。 由于VLC插件并不完美,因此这并不总是有效。 最好选择下载视频文件,然后观看是否在VLC桌面应用程序中。

是的,没有QuickTime,iTunes仍然可以正常工作 (Yes, iTunes Still Works Properly Without QuickTime)

Lastly, let’s not forget Apple’s iTunes. iTunes once required QuickTime for video playback…but it doesn’t anymore. You can uninstall QuickTime and continue playing videos in iTunes itself. it’s that simple.

最后,别忘了苹果的iTunes。 iTunes曾经需要QuickTime才能播放视频……但是现在不再需要了。 您可以卸载QuickTime并继续在iTunes本身中播放视频。 就这么简单。

Apple’s Windows security has been pretty bad. While Apple is battling the US government over the security of its iPhones, Apple can’t even be bothered to inform users of QuickTime for Windows–and Safari for Windows before it–that they’re using old, out-of-date software that won’t receive security updates. Apple should be handling this a lot better.

苹果的Windows安全性很差。 尽管苹果公司正在就其iPhone的安全性与美国政府进行斗争,但苹果公司甚至不愿意通知用户Windows版QuickTime(以及适用于Windows版Safari的用户)正在使用旧的,过时的软件,将不会收到安全更新。 苹果应该对此做得更好。


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